ExtremeCopy is a Windows file copy tool which is able to copy and/or move your f...

SuperCopier2 檔案複製 參考資訊

SuperCopier2 檔案複製

SuperCopier2 檔案複製

SuperCopier 2 可以替代 Windows 的複製檔案功能,還有不少其他的功能,如:- 檔案可暫停及續傳- 速度控制- 速度計算- 比較好的進度顯示-...


Speed up your copy files extremely fast with ExtremeCopy

ExtremeCopy is a Windows file copy tool which is able to copy and/or move your files extremely fast. ... SuperCopier2 8:26 9:21 55-37.5% What's benefit can I get from ExtremeCopy ? Copy file and folder as usual and high efficiency and more powerful. G...(以下省略)

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