This is the best speed test app out there. When the downloads are slow, you can ...

my Speed Test.Windows Phone網路速度測試App 參考資訊

my Speed Test.Windows Phone網路速度測試App

my Speed Test.Windows Phone網路速度測試App

Windows Phone現階段資源不足是一個明顯的事實,除了繼續使用iPhone當輔助之外,還是得慢慢發覺必須使用的軟體,網路速度測試對我來說就是必要工具,因...


Speedtest by Ookla on the App Store

This is the best speed test app out there. When the downloads are slow, you can check your speed. ... I've also used it as a tool to get my own internet bill lowered due to slower speeds that what I pay for. I like that it saves a record of tests so I...(以下省略)

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