The Nokia Lumia 920 is the first phone from the Finnish firm to run on the lates...

NOKIA Lumia 920 參考資訊

NOKIA Lumia 920

NOKIA Lumia 920

我的 Lumia 920 啊!雖然說我拿到機王了,等了幾天心情也比較平淡了,該有的開箱也該跟大家介紹了!雖然說手機沒拿在手上,寫起開箱好像少了一些臨場感,不過還...


Nokia Lumia 920 review - CNET

The Nokia Lumia 920 is the first phone from the Finnish firm to run on the latest version of Microsoft's mobile operating system, Windows Phone 8, with its charming, colourful live tiles and a host of nifty new features. Nokia has added to this with i...(以下省略)

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