Hotel Monterey Group brings a new hotel to Sendai (the City of Trees) called Hot...

Hotel Monte Hermana Sendai 參考資訊

Hotel Monte Hermana Sendai

Hotel Monte Hermana Sendai

在日本東北旅遊五天四夜,除了第一天住在鳴子溫泉之外,其他三天都住在仙台在仙台住在「Hotel Monte Hermana Sendai」,這真的是一個不錯的住宿...


Official Website | Hotel Monte Hermana Sendai

Hotel Monterey Group brings a new hotel to Sendai (the City of Trees) called Hotel Monte Hermana. Meaning "sister" in Spanish, the name could also mean Princess Mountain since Monterey derives its name from King's Mountain. The Spanish conne...(以下省略)

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Hotel Monte Hermana Sendai 參考影音


Hotel Monte Hermana Sendai 文章標籤

【仙台】Hotel Monte Hermana Sendai。市區內的住宿選擇,出門就可以逛街! 相關文章

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