To use the Web Font Loader library, just include it in your page and tell it whi...

Font Loader 參考資訊

Font Loader

Font Loader

現在越來越多 SSD 硬碟的筆電,SSD 硬碟除了比較貴之外,空間容量也不是很大,以 64GB 的容量來跑系統綽綽有餘,不過多安裝一點字型可能就會很佔空間,因此...


GitHub - typekit/webfontloader: Web Font Loader gives you added control when using linked fonts via

To use the Web Font Loader library, just include it in your page and tell it which fonts to load. For example, you could load fonts from Google Fonts using the Web Font Loader hosted on Google Hosted Libraries using the following code. Web Font Loader is ...(以下省略)

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