ChrisPC Win Experience Index lets you rate your computer and check the Windows E...

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系統跑分工具 ChrisPC Win Experience Index

系統跑分工具 ChrisPC Win Experience Index

Windows 8.1 改善了不少了 Windows 8 的功能,不過原本有的電腦跑分功能卻消失了,這還真是相當奇怪,因為這樣的跑分數據也算是大家常常評測的一個...


Download ChrisPC Win Experience Index - MajorGeeks

ChrisPC Win Experience Index lets you rate your computer and check the Windows Experience Index on your Windows 8.1 and Windows 10 installation. It gives you the possibility to view the CPU, RAM, HDD scores or re-run the Windows benchmark tests. You wonde...(以下省略)

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