See more, tell more and do more with the new Nokia Lumia 1520 and its six-inch H...

NOKIA Lumia 1520 參考資訊

NOKIA Lumia 1520

NOKIA Lumia 1520

我終於終於摸到 NOKIA Lumia 1520 了!這是讓我非常心動的一支手機,因為這支手機終於在螢幕大小有了突破,不管是先前的 Lumia 900、Lumi...


Lumia 1520 product page

See more, tell more and do more with the new Nokia Lumia 1520 and its six-inch HD display, 20 MP camera and built-in free Microsoft Office. ... For work, play or both Tired of carrying around multiple devices? The Lumia 1520 has a big, clear 6” HD screen ...(以下省略)

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