bitplay Inc. is raising funds for SNAP! PRO - the best iPhone 6/6S case for snap...

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bitplay SNAPPRO

bitplay SNAPPRO

相信不少愛好 iPhone 的朋友們,大家是哪款手機殼呢?之前有朋友傳了一則訊息問我,給我看了一款專業的相機手機殼,問我說是否值得?我仔細看了看的確頗吸引人的,...


SNAP! PRO - the best iPhone 6/6S case for snapping a shot. by bitplay Inc. —Kickstarter

bitplay Inc. is raising funds for SNAP! PRO - the best iPhone 6/6S case for snapping a shot. on Kickstarter! The iPhone 6/6S case with a shutter button, lenses, changeable grips , tripod hole and solid protection for snapping shots on the go....(以下省略)

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