The Asus ZenBook Flip features the same specs as its UX305 Ultrabook brother, bu...

ASUS ZenBook Flip UX360 參考資訊

ASUS ZenBook Flip UX360

ASUS ZenBook Flip UX360

去年度的輕薄筆電首推 ZenBook UX305,能見度真的很高,上次看到朋友也買這一台,我還虧他說眼光很不錯唷!殊不知原來是我自己推薦的啦~哈哈!而今年度最值...


Asus ZenBook Flip UX360 review | TechRadar

The Asus ZenBook Flip features the same specs as its UX305 Ultrabook brother, but its convertible form factor has introduced a few too many compromises. If you don’t need a convertible, the UX305 is the better choice. With laptop makers racing to see who ...(以下省略)

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