2016年12月21日 - Many Pokemon Go players are experiencing a major issue where the ...

Pokemon GO Nexus 參考資訊

Pokemon GO Nexus

Pokemon GO Nexus

有在玩 Pokemon GO 的朋友都知道,CP 值不是最重要,IV 值才是最重要的,先前有傳聞透過工具查詢 IV 值會被封鎖,但是也有玩家測試過並不會,我個人...


'Pokemon Go': What to Do When the Game Freezes at Launch | Heavy ...

2016年12月21日 - Many Pokemon Go players are experiencing a major issue where the app ... and the Nexus 5X, but it doesn't work for the LG G4, LG V10, or the ......(以下省略)

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