2016年8月31日 - ASUS is claiming two full days of battery life from the ZenWatch 3...

IFA 2016 ZenWatch 3 參考資訊

IFA 2016 ZenWatch 3

IFA 2016 ZenWatch 3

華碩今天在德國柏林 IFA 2016 舉行 Zenvolution 記者會,其中新的智慧手錶 ZenWatch 3 亮眼程度讓人目不暇給,採用源自日冕的圓形打造...


ASUS unveils sleek round ZenWatch 3, priced at €229 | Android Central

2016年8月31日 - ASUS is claiming two full days of battery life from the ZenWatch 3, ... at the Zenvolution event at IFA 2016 in Berlin to unveil ZenWatch 3, the ......(以下省略)

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