Has your Windows FileRepository folder grown into an enormous monster over the m...

Driver Store Explorer 參考資訊

Driver Store Explorer

Driver Store Explorer

系統肥大如何清理?肥大的主因除了垃圾之外,舊有的更新檔與驅動程式更是肥大的主因之一,尤其現在很多人使用 SSD 當系統硬碟,空間更是珍貴,我就常常遇到空間不足的...


Driver Store Explorer FileRepository Cleanup Tool | RejZoR's Flock of Sheep

Has your Windows FileRepository folder grown into an enormous monster over the months and years of using same Windows installation and regularly updating device drivers like graphic drivers? Windows stores copies of old drivers in FileRepository folder, b...(以下省略)

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