Banshee Screamer Alarm is a program that you can use as an alarm clock. The inte...

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Banshee Screamer Alarm

Banshee Screamer Alarm

Banshee Screamer Alarm可以讓使用者設定在一星期中的某一天、或是每天的固定時間自動鬧鈴,其除了可以利用系統標準而難聽的呼叫聲之外,還可以直接...


Banshee Screamer Alarm Download - softpedia

Banshee Screamer Alarm is a program that you can use as an alarm clock. The interface of this tool consists of a very small window in which you can view the current time in big red numbers. By opening the context menu, you can access "Options" t...(以下省略)

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