Samsung's fire-prone smartphone that sparked a global crisis is making a com...

Samsung Galaxy Note FE 參考資訊

Samsung Galaxy Note FE

Samsung Galaxy Note FE

記得當初評測 Samsung Galaxy Note7 的時候,滿意度非常非常的高,因為電池爆炸需要回收時相當不捨,深深覺得就此錯過了一支如此棒的手機...


Samsung's Galaxy Note 7 is back! (Just don't call it the Note 7) - Jul. 3, 2017

Samsung's fire-prone smartphone that sparked a global crisis is making a comeback. The world's largest smartphone maker says it's resurrecting the Galaxy Note 7 by selling a cheaper, refurbished version in South Korea starting Friday. Understa...(以下省略)

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