Smith explains that the code indicates the existence of infra-red face unlock in...

HomePod iPhone8 參考資訊

HomePod iPhone8

HomePod iPhone8

iPhone 8 到底長怎樣?我想大家應該都有底了!這次由 HomePod 的韌體當中發現了這張圖案,估計來看應該就是 iPhone 8 的外型,其實這樣的外型...


HomePod firmware seemingly confirms iPhone 8 front design & support for ‘Face ID’ | 9to5Mac

Smith explains that the code indicates the existence of infra-red face unlock in BiometricKit, which is the framework responsible for Touch ID. The code further suggests that Apple’s face unlock feature will be able to detect partially occluded face and f...(以下省略)

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