Firmware for the as-of-yet unreleased HomePod has provided a wealth of informati...

HomePod iPhone8 參考資訊

HomePod iPhone8

HomePod iPhone8

iPhone 8 到底長怎樣?我想大家應該都有底了!這次由 HomePod 的韌體當中發現了這張圖案,估計來看應該就是 iPhone 8 的外型,其實這樣的外型...


HomePod Firmware Suggests iPhone 8 Split Status Bar, Tap to Wake and No Touch ID Under Display - Mac

Firmware for the as-of-yet unreleased HomePod has provided a wealth of information on the speaker itself and the upcoming iPhone 8, thanks to developers like Steven Troughton-Smith who have spent time digging into the code. Troughton-Smith shared a few ne...(以下省略)

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