ChrisPC Screen Recorder is your perfect software to record quietly and with asto...

螢幕錄影工具 ChrisPC Screen Recorder 推薦嗎?錄影截圖通通沒問題 參考資訊

螢幕錄影工具 ChrisPC Screen Recorder 推薦嗎?錄影截圖通通沒問題

螢幕錄影工具 ChrisPC Screen Recorder 推薦嗎?錄影截圖通通沒問題

螢幕截圖工具很多款,這次介紹的 ChrisPC Screen Recorder 是具備螢幕錄影與螢幕截圖雙功能的小工具,不過醜化先說在前頭,免費版本的錄影功能會...


ChrisPC Screen Recorder for Windows 7 - ChrisPC Screen ...

ChrisPC Screen Recorder is your perfect software to record quietly and with astonishing options your desktop screen, even when ChrisPC VideoTube Downloader cannot do the download for you, due to DRM or other protection issues. This is not only a useful to...(以下省略)

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螢幕錄影工具 ChrisPC Screen Recorder 推薦嗎?錄影截圖通通沒問題 參考影音

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