While you're using your Mac, iBetterCharge can tell you when you need to plu...

iBetterCharge 電量過低提醒 參考資訊

iBetterCharge 電量過低提醒

iBetterCharge 電量過低提醒

iPhone 電量剩 10%、20% 時會有電量過低提醒大家都知道,但如果電量過低提醒也能在 Mac 出現有什麼好處呢?iBetterCharge 幫大家實現了...


iBetterCharge review: Track your iOS device's battery ...

While you're using your Mac, iBetterCharge can tell you when you need to plug in your iPhone or iPad. While you're using your Mac, iBetterCharge can tell you when you need to plug in your iPhone or iPad. Close Ad Subscribe ......(以下省略)

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