Apple wasted no time jumping on the first point release of it's latest mobil...

iOS 121 更新有什麼新功能? 參考資訊

iOS 121 更新有什麼新功能?

iOS 121 更新有什麼新功能?

蘋果發表會後除了發表全新的 Macbook Air、iPad Pro 及 Mac mini 之外,iOS 12.1 也正式推出,這次的更新共分為四個重點,分別是...


iOS 12.1 beta 5 is available for developers | Macworld

Apple wasted no time jumping on the first point release of it's latest mobile operating system, releasing the first beta just 24 hours after the release of iOS 12. The iOS 12.1 beta continues, but is moving along rapidly and we expect the final releas...(以下省略)

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