Focusli is a GNOME Shell applet that plays sounds of nature right from your menu...

有推薦的讀書音樂嗎?Focusli 專注背景音樂線上工具 參考資訊

有推薦的讀書音樂嗎?Focusli 專注背景音樂線上工具

有推薦的讀書音樂嗎?Focusli 專注背景音樂線上工具

工作、唸書太安靜沒辦法專注嗎?網路上有許多輔助專注的工具,像小編最近就發現 Focusli 無歌詞純音樂線上播放工具,豐富的情境音,包含有:露營、冥想、咖啡廳、...


Focusli - Play Nature Sounds from the GNOME Shell

Focusli is a GNOME Shell applet that plays sounds of nature right from your menu bar. This simple ambient noise applet is designed to be responsive with simple icons and a UI. Just recently, wrote about ANoise, an ambient sound application to ... ...(以下省略)

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有推薦的讀書音樂嗎?Focusli 專注背景音樂線上工具 參考影音


有推薦的讀書音樂嗎?Focusli 專注背景音樂線上工具 文章標籤

星火NEW直播: 最新 APK 下載
