FastStone Capture 8.4 Shareware (Last Update: 2016-01-14) A powerful, lightweigh...

FastStone Capture 最終免費板 參考資訊

FastStone Capture 最終免費板

FastStone Capture 最終免費板

FastStone Capture是一個可以擷取全螢幕、工作中視窗、特定元件、不規則形狀畫面以及使用者自訂大小矩形畫面的螢幕擷取軟體。它擁有一個簡潔且易於上手的...


FastStone Image Viewer - Official Site

FastStone Capture 8.4 Shareware (Last Update: 2016-01-14) A powerful, lightweight, yet full-featured screen capture tool that allows you to easily capture and annotate anything on the screen including windows, objects, menus, full screen, rectangular ......(以下省略)

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2022 FastStone Image Viewer 繁體中文免安裝

#1 2022 FastStone Image Viewer 繁體中文免安裝

ACDSee一直以來,都是一套極具知名度的,其整合了秀圖管理以及簡易圖片編輯功能,但 ACDSee 卻是一套共享軟體,必須要付錢才能永久使用。FastStone...

Faststone Image Viewer vs nEO iMAGING

#2 Faststone Image Viewer vs nEO iMAGING

Faststone Image Viewer。簡易快速的看圖縮圖推薦工具nEO iMAGING。相片處理後製的好物寫完了以上兩篇文章之後,重點其實是我自己要做個...

FastStone Capture 最終免費板 參考影音


FastStone Capture 最終免費板 文章標籤

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